Lamp: Adaptable And Affordable Tool For Web Development

LAMP, an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (or Python, Perl), is a stack or bundle of software used to run servers or web sites. Here, Linux refers to the operating system; MySQL refers to the database server, Apache the web server and PHP programming languages.

It was Michael Kunze who was the brainchild behind LAMP and the LAMP acronym. His article in a German computing magazine claimed that the bundled free software was a viable option to commercial expensive software packages. The LAMP technology allows users to execute a program on a web server and thereby acquire static as well as dynamic content.

The LAMP development program revolves around the Linux system. Linux is similar to UNIX and it is a computer operating system kernel. The Linux is the most important part of LAMP. The Apache element is another useful tool. Apache is a free open source web server which is quiet prevalent on the web because it can be easily modified and is highly configurable. MySQL database server, a revolutionary open source tool, allows web developers to create dynamic websites whereas PHP is a programming language designed for creating dynamic web pages. The combination of these tools makes LAMP a powerful program in web application development.

Much of web and software development is based on LAMP. This free open source bundle of software offers ability and freedom to web application development experts to accomplish lots of different things in the web & software development and design. These tools help designing websites and databases in an effective and creative way.

The best part of LAMP is its inexpensiveness. The software bundle constantly changes and improves itself, thus allowing a perfect and affordable web development. With LAMP, web developers can focus on using creative measures to design and produce great websites.

Because of their adaptability and availability, this impressive web development tool is employed by web development in India. An Ideal web development India harnesses the power of LAMP to create rich and dynamic websites.

About the Author:

I am the webmaster at – A web development company offering web and software development to businesses in India and abroad.

Article Source: - Lamp: Adaptable And Affordable Tool For Web Development

web and software development, web & software development, web development india