Supply Chain Management For Great Plains Dynamics Gp Notes

Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP and MRP is robust and flexible platform for barcoding, consignment, warehouse management, picking up ecommerce. When you are at the point when Dynamics GP does your ERP, MRP and Accounting business processes job, please feel free to call our office for additional Dynamics GP modification details. For very large USA corporate business with SCM requirements, please feel free to call our office directly as you do not really expect you to get free help online over the internet. In this small publication we do not pretend to present out-of-the-box solution, but rather offer the ideas and so-called "solutions", where existing code could be reused and redeployed in similar scenarios:

1. Purchase Receipts and Inventory replenishment. This is where you would like to add barcode scanning with automatic scanned batches upload to Dynamics GP purchase receipts. Another possibility is when you are replenishing with Inventory Increase Adjustments and later on you are receiving vendor invoices, entered directly to GP Payables Management module

2. Inventory Stock Count automation. Here you are scanning each item with barcode scanner in a batch mode. Automatic stock take procedure is one of the most popular barcode customizations in Great Plains Dynamics GP

3. Purchase Configurator. In GP you can automatically issue Purchase Orders, based on ABC item code, vendor lead time and other parameters, if you have Purchase Configurator module implemented. Here we assume, that you are not implementing Dynamics GP Manufacturing suit of modules (where you normally deploy MRP functionality)

4. Consignments. Here you normally don’t want to account consigned items on your GL inventory assets. Custom solution here allows you to count your items by quantities on hand without recording the cost of purchase

5. Customization Tools. Supply Chain Management extensions could be coded in GP Dexterity, eConnect, Dynamics GP Integration Manager, SQL Stored Procedures. Barcode printing is typically done in Report Writer, Crystal Reports or Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

About the Author:

Andrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum LLC. 1-866-528-0577. Web portal: We are Microsoft Dynamics GP technology partner, ERP and software integrator, who serves you USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America nationwide. Local service is available in Chicago, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston. We have customer in the following business metros: Phoenix, New York, Boston, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Rhino, San Jose, Miami, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Detroit, Montreal, Las Vegas, Oceania, Colombia, Caribbean, Poland, UK, New Zealand, Australia

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