Monotone: A Revolutionary Software Tool

Monotone is an open source software program for distributed version control. The design principle is distributed operation, an idea which was not heard of prior to the launch of Monotone. This revolutionary idea stressed on the fact that SCMs should follow a distributed models and not a centralized one. Today, there are some popular distributed SCMs including Monotone, bazaar, mercurial and SVK.

The design principles of Monotone rely on the heavy use of cryptographic primitives to track file revisions through secure hash SHA1 and to authenticate user actions through RSA cryptographic signatures.

Features of Monotone Software tool:

  • Monotone supports a variety of networking protocols including netsync, which his more efficient and robust as it as its own IANA-assigned port. Netsync is also supported by a Wireshark plug-in for analyzing traffic.
  • No separate monotone server as any Monotone client can act as a server.
  • Supports localization and internationalization
  • It is implemented in C++ and has a portable design
  • It provides ease of learning, thus there are no hassles for a software solution company
  • It can import CVS projects
  • The developer community is quiet friendly

The best part of Monotone is that everyone can work in a complete local way, they just need to sync to each other. There is no need of a single server. Another advantage of this revolutionary software tool is that every single commit is digitally signed. Each and every element is mirrored on every node, thus ensuring no errors and problems in Monotone.

A custom software solution firm always recommends monotone because of its user-friendliness. Compared to other SCMs like mercurial and grit, monotone is quicker and more user-friendly. Software solutions in UK emphasize more on monotone as it has a good internationalization support and no external dependencies.

An ideal software solution in UK always opts for monotone instead of mercurial and grit as it an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol, understands lightweight branches, and runs easily on Linux, Mac OS X, UNIX and even Windows!

About the Author:

I am the webmaster at – a software solution company company offering quality and cost-efficient offshore website design and development solutions.

Article Source: - Monotone: A Revolutionary Software Tool

software solution company, custom software solution, software solution in uk